Construction of zLP & $ZERO Power

ZeroLend's zLP power, closely mirroring Radiant Capital's model, is a pivotal metric in determining a user's influence within the protocol and their corresponding emissions rewards. Here's a streamlined explanation of how it works:

zLP Power Calculation (P_zLP)

  • zLP Power (P_zLP): This metric reflects a user's share of the total zLP pool, adjusted by a locking multiplier to reward longer commitments.

The longer the user locks zLP, the greater the power they have and, ultimately, the greater the emissions the user receives.

Single-Staked $ZERO Power (P_Z)

  • $ZERO Power (P_Z): Similar to zLP power, this calculates a user's stake in the total $ZERO pool, also influenced by the duration of the stake.

The following are the weighting coefficients:

Combining Powers for Total Protocol Power

By integrating both zLP and $ZERO powers, the total Protocol Power is derived, factoring in both contributions and their respective locking multipliers.

Final Equation for Protocol Power

This formula underscores the significance of both liquidity provision and single asset staking in enhancing a user's impact on the protocol's governance and reward distribution, thereby incentivizing long-term participation and investment.

This functionality is scheduled to go live shortly.

Last updated