High Efficiency Mode (E-Mode)

This page discusses how to increase your capital efficiency on ZeroLend with E-Mode.

E-Mode, or High-Efficiency Mode, empowers borrowers to maximize their borrowing capacity by using correlated assets within the same category, such as stablecoins, as collateral. For instance, supplying $USDC in eMode allows for enhanced collateralization power when borrowing $ONEZ.

In E-Mode, ZeroLend classifies assets based on:

  1. Loan-to-Value (LTV): Higher LTV enables borrowers to access more funds relative to collateral value within the same category. E-mode allows for LTV ratios of up to 97%.

  2. Liquidation Threshold: This is the minimum collateral amount needed to avoid liquidation, offering borrowers greater control over risk exposure.

  3. Liquidation Bonus: Borrowers receive rewards for early loan repayment in eMode, encouraging responsible borrowing behavior.

E-Mode doesn't restrict the use of other assets as collateral; assets outside the eMode category can still be supplied with normal LTV and liquidation parameters.

How do I activate E-Mode?

  1. Select "Dashboard" from the top navigation panel.

  2. Locate the E-Mode "Disabled ⚙️" button beside "Your Borrows" and click on it.

  1. Click 'Enable E-Mode.'

Under Transaction Overview,' you will see all the assets you can borrow. Example: "All Assets → USDC, USDT," which suggests that you can borrow stablecoins like USDC and USDT when E-Mode is enabled.

How Do I Disable E-mode?

  1. Click on the 'E-Mode' category you have enabled.

  1. Click on 'Disable E-Mode.'

Last updated